Inside the daily world of Luana Spinetti

Privacy & Cookies is a personal blog with visitor freebies that doesn’t collect personally identifiable information.

I don’t ask you for personal data of any kind.

I don’t have comment forms, contact forms nor forums on this website.

The only form of interaction I entertain with visitors/readers is through personal email.

Data Collected Automatically

Server Logs

The server logs on my hosting account record full IP addresses and (browser) user agents, as well as geolocation and statistics on pageviews. The IP information is used to combat hacking attempts and only for security reasons; pageviews are used to improve the website and understand which areas are more interesting to my visitors. The logs are currently deleted manually every 90 days.

Technical Cookies

This website uses sets no cookies for the visitor but the technical WP Test Cookie (wordpress_test_cookie) that merely checks if cookies are enabled in your browser and it expires when you close the page. You can read more about this cookie at Cookiepedia.