Inside the daily world of Luana Spinetti

January-August 2019 Monthly Wrap-Up: Projects, Reads & Freelance Work

Monthly Wrap-Ups, That Luana Me, The Freelance Life · September 2, 2019, Monday

Welcome to the wrap-up post for the months of January through August 2019! has a new theme, “Luana2019”. Well, not quite a new theme, just an edit of my “Luana2016” theme with this color palette from I needed a change. 🙂

In other news:

Now, on with the stuff I’ve done January to August this year.

Monthly Wrap-Up


Apart from studying for various small projects (including my robotics one) I’m thinking about doing some changes to this and merge Library and The Luly Network with the main blog: that would make for less redundancy and better management of CPU resources.

The other news in this area… is that I’m getting things done for the wedding and the new house. :’) I’m happy happy.


I haven’t read a lot of books this year – 9 between novels and essays, and 4 manga books:

  1. Gli ingredienti segreti dell’amore by Nicolas Barreau (Italian translation of “Le sourire des femmes”)
  2. Una cosa piena di mistero: saggi sulla scrittura by Eudora Welty (Italian translation of “On Writing”)
  3. Olga di carta: Il viaggio straordinario by Elisabetta Gnone
  4. Dovremmo essere tutti femministi by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Italian translation of “We Should All Be Feminists”)
  5. Le tue antenate. Donne pioniere nella società e nella scienza dall’antichità ai giorni nostri by Rita Levi-Montalcini
  6. La Regina del Nord by Rebecca Ross (Italian translation of “The Queen’s Rising #1”)
  7. Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry
  8. An Audience of One: Reclaiming Creativity for Its Own Sake by Srinivas Rao
  9. Fiabe per robot by Stanisław Lem (Italian translation of “Bajki robotów”)
See also  Building Robots: My Dream of a Lifetime that I Hope to Make Come True

I also read volumes 1-3 of the manga Arrivare a te (Italian translation of “君に届け [Kimi ni Todoke]”) and the first volume of Il riccio innamorato (Italian translation of “Koisuru Harinezumi”). I borrowed all four books from friends and I’m not sure I’m going to continue with the series, although so far they’ve been giving me some relaxing chill hours – that I needed so badly.

My goal for 2019 is to read a total of 45 books (13 done so far). You can view my reading challenge on Goodreads.

Freelance Work

I’ve been writing and publishing 23 articles for my clients since January.

Below are the links to each of them, by client and in chronological order:

Monitor Backlinks (16)

  1. 2 HTML Backlink Snippets and How to Optimize Them for SEO

  2. 4 Steps to Track Competitor Keywords and Replicate Their SEO Success

  3. Backlink Research Made Easy: 4 Steps to Get from Research to Results

  4. HARO Link Building Case Study: It’s Not as Fruitful as You Think

  5. Google Penalty Removal Guide: How to Restore Your Rankings and Traffic

  6. 4 Ways to Steal Competitors’ Backlinks: A Quick, Hands-on Guide

  7. Music Backlinks: The Musician’s No-Stress Guide to Boosting Your Business with Backlinks

  8. Keyword Ranking Analysis: How to Track and Improve Your SEO Rankings with Monitor Backlinks

  9. Disavow File Generator: How to Use Monitor Backlinks for Easy Link Removal (+ Best Practices to Speed Things Up)

  10. 6 No-sweat Strategies to Get Photography Backlinks and Promote Your Craft

  11. 15 Types of Unnatural Links and What to Do About Them

  12. How to Get More Backlinks: 12 Expert-Recommended Strategies from SEO Pros

  13. Should I Disavow Links? 3 Things to Know Before Using the Disavow Tool

  14. 18 Best Sites for Backlinks: Your Bookmarkable Link Building List

  15. How to Build Backlinks for a New Website: 6 Easy Strategies to Get Started

  16. How to Build Links for SEO: 14 Strategies for Followed Links and Higher Rankings

See also  Why I Went From 270+ Domains To Only 28

Bosmol Social Media (6)

  1. SEO Keywords Best Practices for 2019 (for the Win!)

  2. Google Reminds Bloggers to Disclose Sponsored Content

  3. How to Use Your Existing Posts to Land Paid Blogging Opportunities

  4. 7 Keyword Harvesting Sources for Your Blog SEO

  5. Can Blog Comments Generate Traffic and Conversions? 3 Real Cases

  6. 6 Tricks to Have Blog Content Ideas Always Ready

CoSpot – Content Marketer (1)

  1. Fun and Friendly DIY SEO with MarketGoo: An Enthusiastic Review


All in all, the first half of 2019 has been midly productive and I can’t really complain, since I only started on the CBD oil therapy in April.

I look forward to a much, much nicer second half of the year. 🙂

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