How to Write a Blog Entry In 5 Steps (From My Experience as a Freelance Blogger)
Opinions, The Freelance Life, Writing for Fun & Profit · November 6, 2020, FridayI’ve been thinking about why I chose freelance writing (blogging, in particular) as my career, and among the reasons that come to mind I can say that I love to teach as much as I love to learn.
When I blog, I’m learning more about the subject I’ve been researching, testing and writing about, but mainly I’m writing for other people who need an answer to their questions and a solution to their problems.
I blog for myself but I also blog to communicate, and I do that simultaneously.
That’s why I thought it was time for me to write a blog post that is both helpful and personal on this blog, telling you more about the writing process for a blog entry that I honed over the decade that I’ve been blogging for clients.
I hope that it’s going to help you get some stress out of the process, and all the same, enjoy it more as something that you do for both yourself and others.
#IWD17 – Mathematicians Are (Wo)Men
Opinions, That Luana Me, Thoughts · March 13, 2017, MondayThis post had to go live on Mar 8, but I got busy with other things, so I decided to finish and publish it today, Mar 13. It connects to hashtag threads #IWD17 and #BeBoldForChange on social media.

Jeanette A. Scissum, Scientist and Mathematician at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (CC-BY-NC 2.0). Read more about Jeanette
When I first moved my personal blog to in 2013, I celebrated the grand opening of the new domain with a blog post that came straight from my heart, Dear Sister Mileva Marić, dedicated to Albert Einstein’s first wife, a mathematics genius whose life and talent slowly disintegrated in the shadow of Einstein’s lifestyle and family tensions. Read the rest of this entry…
This is Piccing, A Cute FREE iPhone App to Shop for Fashion and Style Online! :D
Opinions, Technology · August 2, 2014, SaturdayThis is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Piccing. All opinions are 100% mine.
W00t! x3 This summer is filled with lovely tech gadget, apps and websites, my beloved babes! :love: I love it.
Here’s today’s gem: the newly launched iPhone (or iPad) app named Piccing !
Piccing is stylish and sweet, perfect for a fashion-oriented girl who wants to always have her device ready with the best fashion styles of the season. The nice thing about this new service is that it lets customers order fashion items in an easy, intuitive way — what you do is click on a picture in the catalog, then click on an item of that picture (for example, a bracelet or a skirt) and add it to your cart to complete your order.
The video below is pretty explicative, I believe:
Not owning an iPhone, I tested this App on my iTunes installation via Windows XP Virtual Machine, but unfortunately I had no way to really use it. Such a pity, because it would have been so sweet! 🙁 Tomorrow I’ll ask a couple of friends if they can install it on their iPhones and let me see how it works. Maybe I’ll get to take some photos to share on this post, too! I’ll make sure to post an update. 😉
Anyway, here on the right is a picture of the Piccing website as it looks from my iPhone emulator. I wish I had a chance to try the real thing, seriously! But at least I could demo it somehow. It’s very intuitive and pleasant to look at.
Do you have an iPhone or an iPad? If you want to try out the app yourself, feel free to do it anytime, because… the app is FREE! 😉 Yep! And honestly, I would love to hear your story or maybe see a photo or two of your experiments with Piccing. What do you think? Would you like to help me?
Just reply in a comment on this post! I’m curious. 😀