Inside the daily world of Luana Spinetti

How to Write a Blog Entry In 5 Steps (From My Experience as a Freelance Blogger)

Opinions, The Freelance Life, Writing for Fun & Profit · November 6, 2020, Friday

Image: desk with a sheet of white paper, a pen on it, and a cup of coffee nearby. I wrote "On Writing" on the image.

I’ve been thinking about why I chose freelance writing (blogging, in particular) as my career, and among the reasons that come to mind I can say that I love to teach as much as I love to learn.

When I blog, I’m learning more about the subject I’ve been researching, testing and writing about, but mainly I’m writing for other people who need an answer to their questions and a solution to their problems.

I blog for myself but I also blog to communicate, and I do that simultaneously.

That’s why I thought it was time for me to write a blog post that is both helpful and personal on this blog, telling you more about the writing process for a blog entry that I honed over the decade that I’ve been blogging for clients.

I hope that it’s going to help you get some stress out of the process, and all the same, enjoy it more as something that you do for both yourself and others.

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December 2019 – January 2020 Wrap-Up: Health, Wedding Plans, Business Changes

Monthly Wrap-Ups, That Luana Me, The Freelance Life · March 6, 2020, Friday

Welcome to the wrap-up post for the month of December 2019 and January 2020.

And 2020 is here, at last. And I’m going to turn 35 this year. Wow.

So, below is a sum-up of the most recent news:

So, all considered, things are looking up. 🙂 I hope 2020 started great for you, too!

Read on for the updates in detail.

Monthly Wrap-Up

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The Charm of A Minimalist Workspace in a Maximalist Lifestyle

Lifestyle Diaries, The Freelance Life, The Student Life, Thoughts · December 30, 2019, Monday

Yes, a (semi) minimalist workspace.

In the home of a maximalist.

As “weird” as it might sound, we don’t have to embrace a movement to use it for inspiration to make some changes, right?

I don’t really use the label on me, but you could define me as a maximalist: I love owning a lot of stuff that I can rely on at all times and I would never “downsize” unless I had a great internal push to do it… in some specific, small area of my life.

But you know what? A little touch of minimalism is actually doing charms for my mental health when it comes to handling my workspace.

To keep sensory overload at bay, mostly. To make my workspace less visually and mentally triggering.

(image that shows that this is a lifestyle diaries type of blog entry)

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