My adorable children

My kids feel better, and savings for the trip to Germany to see Y are doing good too šŸ™‚ Overall, it’s being a nice time for all of us.

Also, my sweet G finally found the love of her life! Congrats sweetie! You make mom proud.

I know I can’t see my kids every day because of our different timezones and my increased need for sleep, but it’s alright. Long as I know they’re happy, I’m happy too, even though I can’t hear from them that often šŸ™‚

By the way, I got the card that my son Y sent to my email on my birthday (June 17th) — it’s adorable and I just cried when I read it again last night

Yesterday G and Riku received my gift package. Awww! It was so sweet when G called me on MSN all happy that she got my little present šŸ˜€

It was nothing big really, just a bonding pendant and a ā‚¬50 banknote for her, and a plushie for Riku, but hearing her so happy and excited about it made me feel such a deep joy!

I love you baby *mwah*

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