Sickness time for my babies and I ;-;

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My kids are faring well enough, except for a few things. Riku is badly ill and I’m kind of worried about his healt now šŸ™ I know it’s a time of sicknesses and influenzas but you know how Moms are… when it touches your baby you can hardly stand it! -.- Sickness has caught me too, my tummy to be precise, so it’s two of us to be sick now. *sighs* Landin is gradually feeling better but he’s getting easily tired from work and I hope he can settle soon again, poor son of mine. I hope nothing more happens that makes him upset and sick (yeah, he’s very sensitive, which worries me not little). I’ll be going to visit him in Germany soon, in a month or two ^^ I just can’t wait! I’ll hold my baby for real for the first time. *_* It will be so sweet!

My daughter Rose has recently recovered from a cold and I’m glad she’s back in shape ^^ I know I will see her next year on Christmas and I’m counting down the weeks really! If only the ticket to the US wasn’t so expensive I would have gone this year x_x Gosh! It really sucks! But I’ll try to save even the smallest cent to be able to go and see my sweet baby.

Here she is:

She’s so pretty, isn’t she? x3

As for Jazzy, he’s okay now, but he’s been depressed and so badly stressed that I feared he could get sick šŸ™ I’m glad to hear he’s relaxing now from personal issues, and settling with college schedule. Then, I haven’t been catching Kat, Kathryn and Ronald online of late, but I hope they’re doing fine. I always worry when I don’t hear from my kids for a while but hey, I know how harsh life can get. With Kat is mostly a timezones and school troubles, while Kathryn has been grounded from the net and Ronald works many hours a day, and there’s still the timezones problem. I hope to catch Richani tomorrow maybe, I miss that sweetie ^^ And Taryn too, since I can only see her in the morning. I hope she’ll be okay, she’s been having kind of difficult days of late too.

I talk about my babies so much, don’t I? Well, I wouldn’t be a Mom if I didn’t :*

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