The postman just delivered the latest LLLI magazine to my door š I so love New Beginnings! I subscribed last year and I thought that by now my subscription had expired, but I’m really glad it actually hasn’t yet ^^ I’ll have a wonderful time reading it today, and hopefully it will be my inspiration to write something new and insightful on my I really wish I could renew my subscription this year, but unfortunately I have to save up tight to be able to afford a ticket to US in December (and I’m not even sure yet if I’ll really do it..), so yeah, I can’t spend the $20 I’d need to renew it. All I can spend on is my domains renewals ^^” I hope to get more commissions and opps to try hard and make it to December *prays*
Last night I had a nice surprise from my ex: he said he’s been thinking of me of late š It was really nice of him to tell me, and I told him I’ve been thinking about him too. Yeah… so I must admit it: I still really like him. I just don’t think it’s anything more than ‘like‘ by now; love is as good as gone by now. Though, I’m still deeply affectionate to him, and I wish him all the best š
Alright, that’s all for now ^^ I’ll post something on honey-babe later. *mwah’z*