Inside the daily world of Luana Spinetti

January 2018 Monthly Wrap-Up – Projects & Freelance Work

Monthly Wrap-Ups, The Freelance Life Β· February 11, 2018, Sunday

Welcome to my January 2018 monthly wrap-up! πŸ™‚

It’s been a while since I last posted one of these updates. There was a hacking attack in August 2017 that saw my site disappear for a few months because I didn’t have the time and energy to clean it up.

But as you can see, is back online for the new year – and with HTTPS/SSL installed to avoid security issues and major annoyances.

Monthly Wrap-Up


I haven’t been working on any personal projects these past few months, if not very sparingly whenever I had a few minutes to devote to ‘leisure’ activities.

I’ve just had no energy due to health issues, both physical and mental. However, things have been improving since November and psychotherapy has been a great aid. I’ve been seeing doctors, too.

Recently I got back to this blog (I still have a bit of auditing to do) and other blogs I run.

The only big personal project I’ve been working on is inducing lactation for my spiritual children, a topic and an experience I’m going to cover more thoroughly on my Spiritually, Mama Luana blog.

Freelance Work

My health issues definitely didn’t help me stick to deadlines, but I’m thankful to God for sending wonderful clients my way, who understand and happily extend my due dates even two or three times when life gets impossible to deal with.

The articles I published over the last few months on CoSpot and Monitor Backlinks:

See also  February-May 2017 Wrap Up - Freelance Work

Can I say I wrote most of those articles for myself, too?

Audit and keyword research tools are my daily bread for blog and content management, so I won’t lie: I belong to the target audience of those post I wrote. πŸ˜€ (LOL)

The articles I mentioned in my February-May 2017 monthly wrap-up where published over the last few months:

The piece for Relevance was a tricky one to work on: I got plenty of experts to reply to my media query for it (68) so it turned out a very time-consuming article to write, having to go through all that to pick the best pieces of expert insight and advice.

But hey – I did it! πŸ˜€

I really care about the topic of this article, because SEO is too often seen as the solution to many a problem, when it’s under underlying marketing strategy that counts, and a careful assessment of a business’ needs.

So all the effort wasn’t wasted.

I truly hope Relevance readers will find it helpful to make an informed decision.

The other articles were fun to write. My WHSR piece on blogging mistakes turned out funny with all the humorous comic strips I added to it (LOL) and the posts for CoSpot were interesting to write and all topics that I needed to research for my own blogs, too.

See also  The Charm of A Minimalist Workspace in a Maximalist Lifestyle

The SumoMe review… well, I use that plugin. Loving it. πŸ˜€

What have you been working on in January? Get in touch at

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